All Saints' Church

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Invite a neighbor to join the celebration!


The days of Lent are coming to an end, and the bright day of Easter will be here in a few short weeks. As we make our way towards celebrating our Lord's resurrection and victory over evil, brokenness, sin, and death we find ourselves with opportunities to invite others to join in the celebration. We live in a time when it is challenging for people of various perspectives to agree on much. Yet something that nearly everyone would agree on is that all is not right in this world

Could it be that our neighbors are seeking the healing and love that Jesus seeks to bring to a world in short supply of what is so desperately needed? What might it mean for us to extend an invitation to our neighbors and their families to come to our annual outreach Road to Resurrection? What might it mean to our neighbors to receive an invitation to attend one of our Holy Week services (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil), or one of our Easter Sunday services?

Recently, Bishop Chris Warner shared his thoughts on the opportunities God gives us to invite our friends, neighbors, and loved ones to experience his love and participate in the life-giving power of Jesus. We pray every Sunday for God to send us out to do the work he has given us to do.

The time has come!

Jesus has won the victory!

His Spirit is with us! Invite a neighbor to join the celebration!


p.s. Printed invitations with the Holy Week schedule are available in the Atrium. Take as many as you need!