Reflections on Bishop Chris' Pastoral Letter

Dear All Saints’ Church Family,

 This past Sunday I sadly had to share some important and deeply concerning information regarding the past sexual abuse of minors at one of our sister churches in the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic. In accordance with the guidance of our bishop, +Chris Warner, his pastoral letter addressing the matter was read and distributed on Sunday, is included in this newsletter, and is available in hard copies on the information tables in the Atrium and office entrance of the church. I encourage everyone to take time to read this letter.

As I shared Sunday morning, the abuse of children, youth, and other vulnerable people is a scourge in our world. Far too often it has happened in the church, which should be a safe place of hope, healing, and refuge for all. All of this deeply grieves our Lord and breaks his heart. When one of our brothers or sisters in Christ is hurt, it hurts all of us. When one of our sister churches is grieving, we all should grieve. We are one body in Christ and one diocesan family.

Please continue to faithfully uphold in your prayers the victims and their families; the congregation, clergy, and leadership of the Falls Church Anglican; and our bishop and diocesan leadership. Although the acts of abuse occurred quite some time ago, that does not in itself diminish the pain and woundedness of those abused. Neither does it diminish our collective responsibility to support and care for them. There is still much to be done on the path of healing, especially for those who were abused and for everyone who has been wounded by this tragedy. 

Be assured that we at All Saints’ are deeply committed to the protection of our children and youth. As I shared Sunday, we make every effort to fully adhere to our robust diocesan and church safeguarding policies. If you were not present last Sunday, I encourage you to go to our website and listen to what I shared after the passing of the peace.

 Safeguards and policies are only as effective as all of us together commit to diligently following them. If you have concerns, PLEASE speak to me, to Tara Pedersen, or to another member of the staff. If you prefer, you can also contact the diocese directly. There is a link on the front page of the diocesan website here which gives specific steps regarding how to do this. This link will be permanently added to the All Saints’ website within the next ten days.

 Finally, I want to write to those of you who have experienced abuse at some time in your life. You are deeply loved by God who promises to be near to the brokenhearted. In Psalm 34:18 we read, “The LORD is near to those who are brokenhearted and will save those who are crushed in spirit.” God loves you. He knows your pain. His heart’s desire and will is for you to find healing for the wounds and trauma which you have suffered. His heart grieves with you.

God’s will is for the All Saints’ Church family to be a part of your healing journey and a safe place for you and for all people. The staff and I are here to serve you and walk with you in any way that is helpful for your healing journey. We also have a list of trauma-informed Christian counselors in the region which we will be glad to provide to you upon request.

Please know that you are loved, that God is with you, that you don’t need to suffer alone or in silence, and that your church family is available to support you in any way that we are able.

Sincerely in Christ,
