Adult Education Opportunities in January

Adult Sunday School Hour 9:45-10:45 a.m.: Small Group Studies continue during the Sunday School hour. Please enjoy a cup of coffee or tea and fellowship with fellow parishioners in one of the following offerings:

“Acts” – A study of The Holy Spirit moving in dramatic ways in the early church will continue on January 7 and is open to all who are interested or curious. A study guide by John Stott plus selected video segments guides this study. Study guides are available for $12 each (Kindle version is $10.49 if you choose to order on your own). Meets in the Children’s Wing in the Creation Room. Please contact Jim Morrison (571.338.5774) if you have questions.


Lectio Divina: Divine Reading in the Christian Tradition

Starting January 7 in the Bishop’s Conference Room (second floor of the Administrative Wing), please join us for the next 5 weeks as we prepare for Lent by learning how to engage in this ancient practice of scriptural reading, meditation and prayer. This course was produced by Nashotah House with teaching by The Rev. Hans Boersma, PhD. 

Starting January 4 on Thursdays at 7 – 8.30 p.m. via Zoom.

New opportunity for study and fellowship for those of you who haven’t had a chance to gather in person: Zoom is the answer. Deacon Julie and Kat Zwingle are hosting a group on Thursday evenings between 7:00-8:30. On January 4, the group will begin studying “Women of the Bible” - not all of them, but some chosen to represent the breadth of experiences of women in the Bible.

If you are homebound and want to join, all you need is a computer or a smart phone, and internet service. If you don’t know how to use Zoom, we can help you. Please contact Deacon Julie Tilton at