Backpacks and School Uniforms for Guatemala

The Rev. Dana & Damaris Craft are our ACNA missionaries serving in Guatemala, and they are asking for our help to enable 320 children of school age to acquire backpacks and uniforms so that they might attend school. Schools don’t accept children unless they have these two items, and children who are unable to attend school must work with their parents, collecting garbage to sell from the landfill.

When children are not enrolled in school, they are essentially condemned to a life of hard labor and poverty. Going to school changes a child’s life in immeasurable ways.

The cost for each school backpack with all the supplies and books needed for the year is $25 USD.

The cost of each uniform is $17 USD.

If you would like to make a donation through All Saints’ for these items, make your check out to All Saints’ with Backpacks for Guatemala in the memo line. You can also donate online here.

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