Youth Updates This Week

Here is the message Jedd+ sent out to the youth parents and youth this week. If you did not get the email directly and would like to be included on the email list, sign up here.

Hey, Youth & Parents!

Sunday night’s minute-to-win-it Consumed! Night was stupendous. Thank you, Kristi Ellison, for making it happen and for all of the work you put into it!

Here are some photos from the evening.

And here is a “Minute-to-Win-It-Minute-Long-Video” put together from clips from Kevin’s cool phone. 

Schedule for this week:

Starting on Wednesday, I am on vacation with Emily until Friday to celebrate our anniversary. Please pray for Lily’s time with grandma and for us to have travel mercies and the ability to connect and dial down. 

  • Thursday there will be no Consumed! Bible study since I’ll be out of town.

  • Friday night is the 2nd Friday of the month which means “Elevate! Game Night!” We will meet for ice cream and mini golf. Details on the youth calendar.

  • Sunday night Consumed! will meet for movie night. Details on the youth calendar.

I would like to add another layer of communication. Similar to what is used by teachers and coaches, I’ll send a text using an app called “Remind" to say “Check your inboxes for an email with this week’s schedule” or “Reminder: Movie Night is at 7 pm tonight” etc. My goal is not to replace email and not to send a lot of texts. If you do not have a smart phone, no worries. All information will continue to be sent via the All Saints’ Youth gmail account. In addition to email, this will also be how we notify you of any last minute changes because of weather. The sign-up instructions are on the youth communications website or simply text @2he2dh to the number 81010.  (Parents…please let your kids know if they have permission to do this or not.)

Parents, will you sign up to help at one of the upcoming events? I need to have a second parent with Protecting God’s Children certification on all zoom and in-person events. And for all All Saints’ events, I need a parent to make sure only one person uses the restrooms at a time due to COVID-19 guidelines. Sign up is on the youth website. If you need PGC certification, let me know. It can currently be completed online.
